Creating an Email Broadcast From a Blog Article

You have the ability to send your blog articles out as an email broadcast. This is a great way of getting information out to your subscribers including latest news about your property.

First you will need to create your blog article. Here is a link to our help article on creating a blog article:

Once you have created your blog article you will need to go to Site Content > Blog Articles. Next to each blog article you will see a button that says Actions. If you click this button on your chosen blog article you will then see the option to create a broadcast. Don't worry the broadcast won't automatically go out when you press this button.

You will then have the ability to edit your broadcast if you wish and decide on who it goes out to by using the guest restrictions at the bottom. Once you are happy click Create Broadcast.

To view the broadcast as a subscriber would see it click Preview and you will receive a copy of it to the email you use to log into your admin. When you are ready to send it out to your subscribers click Send.

For more information on creating email broadcasts take a look at our help article:

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