Adding a Property

Expanding your portfolio of holiday properties is simple with a SCRUMPY website. You have the ability to add a new property at any time from your admin.

Please note if you are an agency and are looking to add a property you will need to add a client first. Take a look at this help article on Adding a property to an agency website.

To add a property you will need to log into your admin and click 'Properties' in the left hand menu. You will then need to click 'Add Property in the top right hand corner and enter the basic details before clicking the 'Create Property' button.

Once you have created your property we would recommend working your way through the tabs at the top of the page and completing all of the fields. Once you have done this click 'Update Property'.

We would then suggest working your way through the menu below the property image such as features, gallery, banners etc. and filling out all of the information relevant to your property.

If you click 'View' you will see a check list of things you are yet to add against your property before it is ready to go live on the website

At anytime during this you can click the 'View on Site' button to take a look at your property on the frontend of the website. Once you have finished adding content and are happy for your property to be live you will need to go back into the 'Edit' section, tick the visible checkbox and click the Update button at the bottom of the page.

For more information on the individual property sections take a look our Property Management articles.

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